Fire Rehabilitation Plan - 2019 Fire

Below is a fairly comprehensive plan of a fire restoration approach that we developed after a fire on our property in 2019.  While we weren't able to complete everything on this list, we accomplished or experimented with most of it.  

The Mushroom Farm hopes to host a conversation with our local coastal community in the near-term, to review what worked and what didn't work with our efforts - as well as to hear what other land projects have done, to provide an opportunity for bioregional learning and sharing of best practices. 

  1. Understanding Scope and Scale of Operation

    1. Issues

      1. This is a major potential for environmental damage

        1. Borders a public road.

        2. Border a Creek after the road.

        3. Environmental hazard for fish and the estuary (is very toxic).

        4. Immediate action is needed to mitigate damage, runoff, removal of topsoil. 

    2. Opportunities

      1. We are now moving forward with developing. ALL of this work was going to be needed to develop this land, and about 30% has been prepared for us by the burn.

      2. Opportunity to test and report on unique restoration efforts on this land.

      3. Less than 20% of the budget will be wasted.  This paired with the 30% cost Savings by burn as opposed to prepare by hand This disaster will still turn into a 10% overall cost Savings for the development of this space.

  2. Evaluate Situation - Observation and Tests

    1. Primary Observations

      1. Not hydrophobic

      2. Less slope that we had imagined

      3. Illuminated a problem we had not seen before of uncompacted fill dirt

      4. Manageable with less time than initially accounted for

      5. Highest degree of concern where largest slope is into Gulch that meets Gazos creek road 

    2. Secondary observations (With Rich Casele)

      1. Confirmed not hydrophobic in 4/5 test sites

      2. Manageable with less input that is imagined

    3. See where there is undisturbed soils (hard packed) or Loose soils (where compost piles are)

    4. Remove core samples to check for structure and to identify layers.  

      1. To be done by John Wade

    5. Determine Key point

      1. Further observations needed slated for ( November 4th-6th)

    6. Keyline design the upper acreage to flow majority of water to new Reservoir.  

      1. Perhaps will save for next year if leftover.

    7. Additional keyline design to utilize/maximize existing watershed

    8. Create Budget and Timeline

  3. Broad Strokes

    1. Plan

      1. For the future Development

      2. Water

      3. The wind

      4. Future Fire

      5. The Trees

      6. The animals

    2. Fell all Trees that are over 90% burnt

    3. Erosion control

      1. Straw Mat

      2. Jute

      3. Erosion Socks

      4. Silt Mats 

    4. Earth Works

      1. Keyline

      2. Terracing 

        1. (may not be permissible in the first round)

      3. Swales

        1. Waiting for Details of Exemption

      4. Reservoir

        1. Perhaps not this round

      5. Access

        1. Ideal to cut these paths when we can properly stabilize 

      6. Roads

      7. Fire Breaks

        1. Better to Leave undisturbed in this moment

    5. Plants

      1. Nurse/Cover crops

      2. Trees

  4. Time Line

    1. Nov 4-9th

      1. Prepare/grade Road  (Jefes whole Week)

      2. Continue Observations/ Plan  (Nic 3 days, Cass 2 days, Jared 2 Days, John 2 days)

      3. Begin Purchases

      4. Fell/Stake Trees.  (Jefes 2-3 days)

      5. Nov 7,8,9 Take and Plant Willow Cuttings.  Cass 2 days.  Jared 2 days.

    2. Nov 11-16th

      1. Dig Swales

      2. Install Jute/Jute Pins

      3. Improve existing Drainage/clear Culverts

      4. Begin Protecting Lower Zone/ from runoff into Gazos Creek

      5. Apply Stone/Qtr Stone

    3. Nov 18-23

      1. Preparing Planting Areas with Jute/ Compost/Straw

      2. Continue With Swales

      3. Purchase Trees 

    4. Nov 24th Seed/planting Day

    5. Nov 25th-27th Continue Seeding Red Oats before Thanksgiving.

  5. Thus Far

    1. Completed initial analysis, observations, pricing/availability, plan, budget. 

    2. Starting clearing dead foliage to prepare for seeding

    3. started removing strips of dead brush.

    4. started felling dead trees and creating erosion control

  6. First Steps

    1. Fell Trees that are partially dead and utilize for barriers to prevent run off.

      1. These can be Staked down side and backfilled upside.

      2. This will be all Week.  November 4th-8th. 

      3. Continue

    2. Purchase additional Chain Saw/Chains/Blade/ Cooking oil/ files.

      1. still waiting on lengths of saws to purchase components (asked of Jose Oct 27 and 30th)

    3. Purchase Many 600ft of The erosion control Sacks/socks to fill with our compost ( great way to get into the layer of trash and store it in amazing way.

    4. Measure a few length to purchase Wattles (straw filled Tubes for purchasing)

    5. Purchase Jute/Jute Pins (Erosion control natural fiber Fabrics.)

    6. Must purchase All ASAP. 

      1. Erosion socks 

      2.   Wattles/Jute/Jute pins

      3. Neighbors for Straw.

    7. Decide on Seed Mixes for Ground Cover.  (Need at least a 1/4 ton of Seed)

    8. Create Line tap in to irrigation after Water Tank

      1. This Needs Plumbing plan to Create Additional Water Source/line from Tank to Feed hill.

    9. Get as many sources for Straw Bale as possible.

      1. Found Organic

    10. Begin Staging/ Mulch/ Straw Bales/ Compost.

    11. Purchase Bobcat and see about renting two more.

    12. Need a Mini Excavator. 

    13. Create Nursery Wish list for Grafted Trees.  

  7. Earth Works

    1. Grade Road to angle 5 degree slope out

    2. (not priority)Major Bulldozer Break behind the iceplant behind the buildings

    3. (not Priority) Determine Road ways/ Walk ways/ Pathways/Access

      1. Cut rudimentary access points to access key features/views/ intended

    4. (not Priority) Reservoir (determine volume/diameter/ Depth)

      1. Based on Key point

      2. Doesn’t need to be The Key reinforced piece.  Will collect bulk of sediment.

    5. (not priority) Create drainage high side of all roads

    6. Multiple Soft Mountains need to be addressed for removal.   These are the most Serious Sides

  8. Erosion Control

    1. Critical zones

      1. Compost pile above gazos creek road.

        1. Huge areas need serious stabilization for not to destroy access to the road.  This is most likely to be a problem

        2. This will likely be best to be matted.

      2. Drainage and WaterShed

        1. Protecting our drainage beds and directing accumulation of sediment.

        2. Planting willow Cuttings

    2. Compost Filter Socks (still trying to obtain source)

      1. Cheapest.  Fill with our Compost pile including trash.

      2. Place around Drainage points

      3. Place 2 or 3 lines up from the base of the hill. 10 M separated.  

    3. Hay Bales

      1. Spread for mulch

      2. Use at critical flow points as large stop for bulk of sediment

      3. Create barrier at Gazos Creek Rd.

    4. Jute

      1. This is the Matt that will certainly cover the Compost pile at end of Building 5

      2. This is also good for flat areas that will be critically planted.  Will not have to be removed.

    5. Wattles 

      1. Like Composting socks but more for final bases as last critical point of flow

      2. Will need to keep our Concrete/ Working area clean from additional work needed.

    6. Swales

      1. This will be the most work and may not be able to be completed depending on funding and equipment

      2. This is 2 months of hand work (10guys) or 2-3 weeks 2/3 Machines.

      3. Similar in total costs labor or Machine/Diesel.

      4. Some dug on contour.  But much will be designed with keyline design to slightly allow runoff to fill reservoir.

  9. Vegetation

    1. Seeds

      1. Have Oats as nurse Crop

      2. Need more Mixed Grass/Native wildflower Seed  ¼-1/2 Ton of seed.

      3. Buckwheat currently main Design.

    2. Agave/Suculents/Iceplant

      1. (not Priority) but would be great) Creating Large Fire break above at top of Property

      2. And at Base and borders for Buildings.

      3. Ice plant can be transplanted from Many Areas and Spread as Needed.

    3. Trees

      1. Grafted Fruit trees (possible if we are funded to plant this season)

      2. Conifers and other natives.  Begin our Collection.

      3. We can Offer for us to have partnerships with nurseries (sponsorships)

  10. Cover/Mulch

    1. Can get donations from local saw mills for as much as they can offer of wood chips.

    2. Talk to County San Mateo for a few dump trucks full of compost/ Mulch.

  11. Avenues for Funding. Exploring this Next Week.

    1. RDS

    2. Wildfires-Wild flowers

    3. Private

    4. Grants

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