Ways to Get Involved

Join The Mushroom Farm and participate in the creation of our regenerative F.A.R.M. We host ecosystem restoration days featuring hands on workshops in ecosystem restoration, regenerative gardening, mycology, animal husbandry, herbal remedies and more. We can also host a private farm day for your team or community of friends.

Occasionally, there are opportunities to join our team as an intern for a deeper study of regenerative practices. We’re looking for self motivated candidates, ideally with some prior experience working with plants.

The food we produce in partnership with this land will feed the local community. Ask more about our RHIZE Program for community resilience and learn how you can support nourishing economically hard shipped families in our bioregion.

We invite you to join us in creating beautiful abundance.


What are you dreaming? How can we play together?

Please share with us your skills, your interests, your joy. You are part of this story.